Thursday, February 9, 2012


It was a moment of pure enlightenment. The phrase that I’ve heard countless times and even carelessly let tumble out of my mouth, suddenly had new meaning. ‘I have time to kill.’ Think about that. Do you really… and why would you? In light of the recent deaths of a family member and friend, I had a rude awakening of how precious time is.

We say things like, there’s not enough time in the day, or the day is dragging but we can’t do one thing to add, take away, slow down or speed up the 1440 minutes in each day. So where do we get the idea that we can kill time.

We adjust our schedules to do things we like or need to do which means on a conscious or subconscious level we have put a price tag on our time. You may say, ‘Oh it’s just an expression." I say words have power. From now on, when I find myself with time on my hands, I will make something of it, share it with someone or treasure the rare opportunity to be still.

There are a lot of things I can say about time, but killing won’t be one of them. Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said! I couldn't agree more! I will be extra careful not to use that expression and instead make time instead of kill it!!
